Charity Cyber Essentials Awareness Month Pricing Structure for Charities*
*Prices non-inclusive of VAT. Terms and Condition Apply, this discount is valid from 1st of October until 5pm on the 31st of October.
*Campaign prices will not be available to organizations not listed on the Commision register.
Why Charities can be a threat?
Charities hold valuable data on beneficiaries, supporters and volunteers as well as invoice and payment details. Criminals attack charities via the internet in the same way as they attack other organizations, seeking to steal information and money, deliver ransomware into their network or access their email account to impersonate them.
Criminals will also try to access the organizations that supply services to the charity to gather information to launch a bigger, more targeted attack. Since the pandemic, more charities than ever have moved their services online and their volunteers to working remotely. This means that the ways to cyber-attack the charity have multiplied and there has never been a better time to get the key cyber security controls in place.
Why Protect Charities
Criminals attack charities via the internet in the same way as they attack other organizations, seeking to steal information and money, deliver ransomware into their network or access their email account to impersonate them.
Charities are Vulnerable targets for cyber-attacks.
They can lose funds, valuable data and community trust.
Attractive Target for Many Hostile Attacks.
Loss of Information
Loss of electronically held information or data crucial for day-to-day operations.
Lack of trust
Erosion of trust as donor funds. information and card details are breached.
Unsecure Funds
Theft of critical funds that are used for running costs or to supply grants and enable frontline activity
What are the main cyber enabled threats to the charity sector?
Charities are often targeted using a range of methods, including:
Ransomware and extortion
The outward facing nature of charities and a culture of trust in the sector makes them particularly vulnerable to criminality.
Business email attacks
Cyber-enables fraud aimed at tricking employees with financial authority into transferring money to criminals is increasing.
Fake organisations and websites
Criminals exploit the credibility and appeal of charities to trick donors into giving money to what appears to be a legitimate charity